Tuesday, March 17, 2009

China Primer

This is the first post of many. As with all good things, time is essential and a good amount will be required to get this blog to the forefront of these pesky search engines in order for people to find all the good stuff we are going to put on this blog of ours. Where do we begin? Let's start with a China Primer. Let's get to the basics and first find China. The best way we know of beyond reading books and endless articles on the web is to begin at the good old encylopedia of the world. Namely wikipedia. Here are a few excellent links on major China related information at wikipedia. Please bare in mind that what you may read may not always be the truth since this is user contributed and edited. However, this should not discourage you from getting valuable insight and information from a solid reference of the web.

So here is the main China Wikipedia Page covering all aspects of China

Here is information on the history of China

Here is information on China cities

Here is some background on Chinese geography

Here is some more on the Geography of China

Here is information on religion in China

Here is information on the politics of China

Here is information on the national parks of China

Here is information on Chinese holidays

On the next post we will bring you the maps of China. Many more than you could find. As noted, this was a primer. See you soon.

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